all postcodes in M38 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M38 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M38 9AF 19 2 53.525872 -2.408415
M38 9AJ 8 0 53.525099 -2.405587
M38 9AL 1 1 53.530076 -2.419529
M38 9AN 42 4 53.52683 -2.411605
M38 9AP 1 1 53.530779 -2.421557
M38 9AW 22 3 53.52755 -2.41433
M38 9BB 22 0 53.536731 -2.413242
M38 9BN 8 0 53.535034 -2.422973
M38 9DL 22 0 53.536854 -2.439377
M38 9DX 19 3 53.533248 -2.432233
M38 9DY 26 0 53.533071 -2.434042
M38 9DZ 22 0 53.532724 -2.432982
M38 9EA 12 0 53.531189 -2.42488
M38 9EB 23 0 53.53778 -2.419198
M38 9EE 43 0 53.538068 -2.416515
M38 9EG 4 2 53.531936 -2.427166
M38 9EH 25 0 53.537341 -2.418665
M38 9EJ 10 0 53.538018 -2.418099
M38 9EP 8 0 53.53783 -2.417204
M38 9EQ 11 0 53.537431 -2.416086